Social Web Skills for Elder People

The younger generation uses digital social networks almost constantly: many young people spend several hours each day on Facebook to find new social contacts and to stay in touch with already existing friends. Elder people, however, are often scared and have many prejudices against the new media although they offer a lot of new opportunities.

The learning partnership „Social Web Skills for elder people“ within the framework of the EU-programme Grundtvig had the aim of developing approaches and methods that show how younger people can support senior citizens in using the internet and joining social networks.

While the seniors can learn how to safely use the web 2.0, the younger tutors profit from teaching, too: they experience how to take responsibility and learn at the same time a lot about the life, the history, the experiences and abilities of seniors

The project therefore enhances the dialogue between the generations and improves the understanding for each other. Prejudices can be reduced and tolerance between the generations is built.

More information about the project can be found here.